
Our resource library includes a wealth of information and resources generated by our SIGs and committees in the course of our support and advocacy efforts, from Developer Satisfaction Survey results to industry whitepapers and reports to IGDA webinars on a variety of subjects.

We also host a growing crowdsourced collection of all kinds of resources contributed by members and shared via our chapter and SIG communities.

Featured Resources

Developer Satisfaction Survey: Summary Report [2019]

Read/Download Summary Report: IGDA DSS Summary Report 2019

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Member Resources

IGDA/IASIG Member Exclusive Discount for GDC 2024!

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Interactive Audio

20 Nov 2023

(June 1999) 3Dxp ™ DirectSound 3.0 Extension API – 3D Audio Working Group

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Interactive Audio

12 Oct 2023

(December 2002) Interactive Audio on the Web Review and Recommendations, Prepared by the Web Audio Working Group of the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group

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Interactive Audio

18 Sep 2023

(March 2011) Game Audio Curriculum Guideline, Prepared by the Education Working Group of the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group

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Interactive Audio

18 Sep 2023

(February 17, 2008) Interactive XMF: File Format Specification DRAFT 0.9.1 (Public Review Draft, Not Final – Not For Implementation)

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Interactive Audio

18 Sep 2023

(September 2007) Mobile Audio Technology Report and Recommendations, Prepared by the Mobile Audio Working Group of the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group

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Interactive Audio

18 Sep 2023

Chapter & SIG Handbook

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25 Jun 2022

IGDA Climate SIG 2021 Planning Sessions Recap [2020]


11 Nov 2020

Expert Resource: HR Policy Guidebook Template


9 Sep 2020

IGDA Professional Chapter Handbook

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22 Feb 2019