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Developer Satisfaction Survey: Summary Report [2017]

26 Nov 2019


As part of its mission to support game developers around the world, the IGDA regularly conducts a
Developer Satisfaction Survey in partnership with Western University and TÉLUQ. We’re releasing the
results from our fifth survey, conducted in the first quarter of 2017, and while we’re encouraged to see
positive movement in some areas, the DSS should be troubling for every person who loves the creation,
business, or play experience of games.

Game developers continue to recognize the need for diversity in the workplace, in the industry, and in
game content, with developers scoring these items as important in higher rates than ever before.
However, while the overwhelming majority of game developers recognize the importance of diversity,
game development as a profession can still be unwelcoming, with half of survey respondents asserting
that they do not believe there is equal treatment of developers, and half of respondents witnessing or
experiencing inequity.

Also concerning are the statistics around tenure in the industry, number of employers over the past five
years, and intent to stay with current employers. Respondents report an average of 2.2 employers in
the past 5 years, and self-employed contractors report working the most hours and also receiving the
least compensation. Put simply, game development is at risk of losing the most experienced talent in
the industry, and without proper support and protection, freelancers may bear the burden of the
industry’s changing talent profile.

The results of the DSS are a call to action for the IGDA, and for game developers around the world. I
believe that there is a greater need for the IGDA than ever before, both to support developers as they
manage their careers and to advocate on issues that impact developer satisfaction and the quality of the
games that we create.

Using data from the DSS and our members, studio affiliates, and partner affiliates as a guide, the IGDA
will expand its programs in 2018 to help game developers find long-term satisfaction in their chosen
careers, including expanded professional and personal support for individual developers, studios, and
our 150+ Chapters and Special Interest Groups.

I hope that you’ll join us as we continue to work towards a better industry for game developers around
the world, and to support fulfilling and sustainable careers in game development for anyone with the
desire and aptitude to pursue it.

Read/Download Whitepaper: IGDA DSS 2017: Summary Report (PDF)

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