Special Interest Groups

IGDA special interest groups (SIGs) are global communities run by volunteer advocates.

Each SIG serves all individuals—from student to professional, indie to AAA—interested in a specific game development topic, issue, resource, or affinity group.

Types of Interest Groups


SIGs that focus on advocacy or social issues.

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SIGs that focus on a particular element of game development.

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SIGs that help game developers with similar backgrounds or interests connect with each other.

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The IGDA Allies SIG is a special interest group where game industry people from all walks of life come together to learn about the...

Child Safety

This SIG aims to facilitate the development of safer gaming platforms for children and raise awareness among parents, educators, and stakeholders about online dangers....


  Game developers have real power to tackle the climate crisis. The IGDA Climate Special Interest Group (IGDA Climate SIG) serves to unlock grassroots...

Game Accessibility

Founded in 2003, the IGDA Game Accessibility SIG is comprised of volunteers with a passion for game accessibility. We mean to make video games...

Game Credits

  The IGDA Game Credits Special Interest Group (SIG) promotes inclusivity and best practices for how credits are attributed, affecting career and awards prospects....


The IGDA LGBTQ+ SIG is focused on developing initiatives within the three main areas of interest set out by the IGDA: Advocacy: focusing on...

Mental Health

The IGDA Mental Health SIG’s mission is to promote mental wellness in game development workspaces by destigmatizing mental illness, prioritizing mental health, and supporting...


Analog Games

Welcome to the IGDA Analog SIG. The lines between digital and analog game development become more blurred every day: board game apps, digital applications...


The games analytics hub is an IGDA SIG meant to create a community for game analysts to share and learn from each other. This...

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Welcome to the IGDA AI SIG The IGDA AI Special Interest Group (AI SIG) is dedicated to advancing the integration and understanding of artificial...


The IGDA Engineering SIG brings together both engineers from disparate sub-disciplines and others interested in learning more about engineering. The SIG’s main purposes are...

eSports SIG

The establishment of the International eSports Special Interest Group (SIG) aims to unite enthusiasts, organizations, and stakeholders globally who share a profound interest in...

Free and Open Source Software

The Free and Open Source Software SIG is active in promoting the adoption of FOSS, Free Culture, and their management practices across the industry. ...

Game Art

WELCOME TO THE IGDA GAMES ART SIG IGDA Games Art Special Interest Group (Game Art SIG) recognizes that visual art created for video games (be...

Game Design

For game designers to become better game designers.

Game Economics

What is Game Economics? This SIG is committed to fostering and encouraging the development of the field of Game Economics. A Game Economist is...

Game Education

Mission The IGDA Game Education Special Interest Group focuses on developing a community of game educators, promoting game education, and providing resources to game...

Game Writing

Game writers include those in the game industry who write dialogue scripts, construct overarching narrative structure, produce documentation and articles, and a myriad of...

Games Research and User Experience

The IGDA Games Research and User Experience Special Interest Group (IGDA GRUX SIG) aims to improve games by improving the state of games user...

Human Resources

The Human Resources, Special Interest Group (HR SIG) is focused on building an “Inclusive not Exclusive” Global Community. Our Mission Statement follows: “We value...


IGDA Incubation SIG launched. Aims to create a transformative Impact on the Game Development Ecosystem In a landmark move to strategically bolster the worldwide...

Interactive Audio

The Interactive Audio Special Interest Group Welcome to the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group— a member-driven organization in partnership with the International Game Developers...


Welcome to the IGDA Legal Special Interest Group. The IGDA Legal SIG is a community of game industry professionals and enthusiasts who are interested...


The IGDA LocSIG (Localization Special Interest Group) Founded in 2007, the IGDA Localization SIG aims to provide and share resources to anyone in the...


The IGDA Production SIG is a dedicated community focused on supporting, empowering, and advancing the discipline of game production. Whether you’re an experienced producer,...

Romance and Sexuality

Welcome to the IGDA Romance and Sexuality SIG, a multi-disciplinary group focused on discussing romance, sex, and sexuality in games. Inspired by the original...

Serious Games

The IGDA Serious Games SIG serves as a focal point for discussion and debate on Serious Games for developers, academics, and others with an...


Mission Statement Support communications of all Unity Users Be inclusive (not just pros but the independent and solo developers) Make available Unity-internal and external...


Have you heard of Unreal Engine? Of course you have! In the past couple decades, UE has established itself as a reference for game...

Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Realities

The IGDA VAMR SIG exists to facilitate the vibrant community of developers who are actively working or conducting research in the fields of Virtual,...

Voices in Gaming

Welcome to the IDGA’s Voices in Gaming (VIG) Special Interest Group (SIG) The VIG SIG Outline This IGDA Special Interest Group (SIG) for focused...


AAPI – Asian American Pacific Islander

A special interest group of the IGDA dedicated to increasing AAPI representation across the game industry. We are a community and platform to uplift members,...

Black in Games

The IGDA Black in Games (BIG) SIG is a community of diverse professionals in the game industry who come together for networking, friendship, professional...

Devs with Kids

The Devs with Kids Discord is meant to be a space where members of the professional games community can come together to chat and...

Games for Health

We support everyone at the intersection of games and health, including but not limited to games or game technology and techniques for treatment, for...


What is an “indie”? At IGDA, we define this any developer that is independently owned, regardless of industry or investor affiliations. If you are...

Jewish Game Developers

The IGDA Jewish Developers SIG aims to provide resources and foster community for Jews in the games industry. We encourage allies to join us...

Latinx in Games

A special interest group of the IGDA dedicated to increasing latinx representation across the game industry.

Neurodivergent in Game Development

IGDA Neurodiversity in Game Development SIG is a group of people who advocate for neurodiversity inclusion in the Game Development world. We inspire to...

Women in Games

The IGDA Women in Games (WIG) Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed to create a positive impact on the game industry with respect to...

Interested in starting up a new SIG?