
Welcome to IGDA Azerbaijan/Baku. We’re the Azerbaijani chapter of IGDA, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to supporting and improving the lives of game developers...
Dette er gruppen for International Game Developers Association i Danmark. Vi vil løbende opdatere gruppen med informationer om vores arrangementer og folk er velkommen...
The Estonian chapter of the International Game Developers Association promotes game development in Estonia, creates a hub for game startups and more importantly, organises...
IGDA Finland is the local Finnish chapter of IGDA, a non-profit professional society that is committed to advancing the careers and enhancing the lives...
Welcome to the Berlin IGDA chapter dedicated to connecting the thriving Berlin scene locally and internationally with networking, learning, and events. We lean on...
Welcome to the IGDA chapter of Greece! We are here to support the local game development community and foster the industry’s growth. Our mission...
About us Who is IGDA ? We are a global network of collaborative communities and individuals from all fields of game development, including programmers...
This is the webpage for the Macedonia Chapter
IGDA Polska Południowa to pierwszy oddział IGDA w Polsce, skupiający twórców z obszaru Katowic i Krakowa, mający ambicje dotrzeć do wszystkich ośrodków tworzenia...
Sweden is home to a large number of game developers, from indie and art house studios, to major AAA companies. Our game culture and...
WELCOME TO THE IGDA SWITZERLAND CHAPTER The IGDA Switzerland Chapter is committed to helping local developers foster connections with the international game development community—particularly...
Welcome Turkey’s Professional IGDA Chapter, IGDA Turkey/Izmir! As the local chapter of the International Game Developers Association, we are dedicated to uplifting and...
The International Game Developers Association is a non-profit membership organisation that advocates globally on issues related to game creation. IGDA‘s mission is to...