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Utility Theory with Kevin Dill [2014]

18 Oct 2014

Veteran game AI developer Kevin Dill introduces the AI techniques known as “Utility Theory”.

About Kevin Dill

Kevin is an industry expert on the subject of AI for games, and a 9 year veteran of the game industry. He has 7 published titles in a wide variety of genres, including: Red Dead Redemption, Iron Man, Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania, Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species, Axis & Allies, Kohan 2: Kings of War, and Master of Orion 3. He was a section editor for AI Game Programming Wisdom 4 and Game AI Pro, the technical editor for Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI and Introduction to Game AI, and is an adjunct professor at Northeastern University. He is currently researching the application of game AI to characters for immersive training environments and serious games at Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Simulation Center.

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