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Letter from the Interim ED – March 2022

9 Mar 2022

Greetings, IGDA and other members of the game industry,


I hope that you continue to stay healthy and safe. March is upon us, bringing with it many important matters to consider and reflect on.

This month began with a continuation of horrific attacks on Ukraine. We at the IGDA are deeply disturbed by the situation, and extend our support for Ukraine, its people, and the studios and game developers affected by this egregious breach of international law. You can read our full statement here. We continue to update the statement with new resources we’ve identified to support those affected by this warfare. Please share this message with others to expand the reach of these support efforts.

March also serves as International Women’s Month, which signifies a month-long commemoration of the achievements and contributions of women today and throughout history. The IGDA is highlighting women creators in the industry throughout the month. We encourage women in the industry to submit a spotlight nomination for themselves and other women here. You can stay updated on all the featured creators here.

Several industry events are just around the corner as well, including the Game Developers Conference. We invite you to stop by the IGDA booth and say hello, whether you’re attending in person or virtually! Additionally, the IGDA will host its popular Mentor Café in person on Thursday, 24 March, 2022 from 7-9 PM PST. If you’re interested in serving as a Mentor, please sign up here. Registration for Mentees will open next Monday. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the IGDA and experience “speed mentoring” in a casual and engaging environment.

Thank you to all IGDA members who voted in the recent election for the Board of Directors. Results will be announced soon, so stay tuned.

I wish you and your loved ones good health and well-being.


In solidarity,


Dr. Jakin Vela

Interim Executive Director, IGDA

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