About us
Who is IGDA ?
We are a global network of collaborative communities and individuals from all fields of game development, including programmers and producers, designers and artists, writers, business people, QA team members, localization experts, and everyone else who participates in the game development process.
IGDA mission is to support and empower game developers around the world in achieving fulfilling and sustainable careers.
The IGDA is an independent, nonprofit membership association and is recognized as a 501(c)(6) tax-exempt organization by the US Internal Revenue Service and as a mutual benefit nonprofit association under California state law.
Why IGDA Turin ?
Our chapter mission is to create an exciting place, where Italian industry pros all around the world can be heard and share their knowledge.
Everyone is welcome to join this community, either you are already working in the industry or that you are wondering about how to take your first steps in it!
The heart of this chapter is our Dev On Air (DOA) sessions, a fixed event where a guest of honour will give an exclusive live talk (15/25 min) to the server members! No worries, all past editions have been recorded and are currently available within our vault.
What are you waiting for? Join the community on our Discord Server!
- Tiziano Giardini, Co-chairman
- Jami Salati, Co-chairman
- Enrico Dutto, Secretary
- Alessandro Cossidente, Treasurer
Online Event – DEVS Talk with IGDA Finland and IGDA Turin
IGDA Turin invites you to our November event: an...
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Dev On Air #4: “How to discuss a publishing deal (and live happily).” by Antab Studio.
IGDA Turin returns from summer vacation with a very...
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