As of June 2022, we have launched IGDA’s new Mentorship Platform powered by PeopleGrove to support stronger industry connections, flash-mentorship experiences, and structured mentorship matching via our Global Mentorship Program. Designed to support industry professionals around the world, the IGDA Global Mentorship Program provides a way for IGDA members to support each other and to progress their career.
Apply to sign-up as a mentor or mentee.
Mentor / Mentee Pairing & Program Outline
Mentor/Mentee pairings will be made via the IGDA Mentorship Platform powered by PeopleGrove. To gain access to the platform, Mentors and Mentees must complete the interest form linked above.
- Join us on the PeopleGrove platform. Mentorship happens in 4 cohorts per year for a 3-month long mentorship. After receiving your completed Google Form submission (linked above), we will email you a PeopleGrove invitation link to claim your account and create your PeopleGrove profile.
- After completing your PeopleGrove profile, navigate to the home page of the IGDA Global Mentorship Program on PeopleGrove: Home > Programs > IGDA Global Mentorship Program
- On the Global Mentorship Program page, click the JOIN button.
- Select whether you will join the program as a Mentor or a Mentee.
- Complete the Mentor/Mentee questionnaire: Mentors are asked about their top 3 areas of expertise, and Mentees are asked about their top 3 areas of interest.
- Await your match (match cycles will occur quarterly near the beginning of January, April, July, and October).
- Once matched, you will receive correspondence on PeopleGrove about next steps, including the completion of an IGDA Global Mentorship Program onboarding that provides resources on how to structure your mentorship sessions for effective outcomes.
- After the mentorship duration (3-months), you will be asked complete a post-mentorship feedback survey to help IGDA improve its mentorship experience for Mentors and Mentees.
Mentor Benefits
Members who participate as mentors for the IGDA Global Mentorship Program will be granted the following benefits:
- Access to the IGDA Mentorship Platform powered by PeopleGrove to make connections with other Mentors (exclusive Mentors-only Group, networking opportunities, and resources)
- Spotlight promotion as a mentor in an IGDA News article to be featured within the IGDA Insider and on IGDA’s social media channels
- Priority invitation to IGDA’s Networking Events (such as IGDA’s GDC Networking Event)
- Opportunity to win free conference passes and other benefits
- Access to private IGDA Global Mentorship Discord channels
Mentee Benefits
Members who participate as mentees for the IGDA Global Mentorship Program will be granted the following benefits:
- Access to the IGDA Mentorship Platform powered by PeopleGrove to make connections with other mentees and mentors
- Pairing with a mentor in a discipline related to your interest
- Access to a private IGDA Global Mentorship Discord channel and additional mentorship resources on PeopleGrove.

Mentorship Expectations
The following are expectations of the mentors and mentees participants of the IGDA Global Mentorship Program:
- Mentors and mentees will engage over a 3-month period in at least 5 substantial interactions that are equivalent to a 30-minute phone/video call
- Mentors and mentees must be IGDA members and follow IGDA’s Code of Ethics
- Mentors must provide advice in good faith and with empathy for their mentee
- Mentees must be patient and understand mentor communication may be delayed at times