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Trade Secrets: What Game Developers Should Know [2021]

31 Aug 2021

By Anthony D. Del Monaco, Forrest A. Jones, and Seth W. Bruneel
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP

Intellectual property is critical to the gaming industry, as we have explored through this series. Patents, trademarks, and copyrights (white paper forthcoming) all rely on disclosure to the public. What if the property you want to protect doesn’t fit neatly into one of those three categories? What if disclosing this information to the public will destroy the value in it?

As we resume our series exploring the basics of intellectual property law
2 and its application to the gaming industry, we discuss what you can do when disclosure of your intellectual property is not an option: protect it as a trade secret.

Read the White Paper: Trade Secrets: What Game Developers Should Know [2021]

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