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Global Game Jam 2020 Des Moines Schedule

Iowa – Des Moines

| 29 Jan 2020

The fun begins Friday evening! Doors open at 5, and the event kicks off at 6. We recommend arriving at Gravitate between 5 – 5:30 PM, so you have time to check in, get settled and enjoy some pizza before the kickoff.

This jam site will be open for the entire 48 hours*, so you can come and go as you need to, but there are a few scheduled events during the jam we encourage you to be around for. Check out the schedule below.

*The door to Gravitate will be locked after Friday evening, but someone will be available to let you in.

Friday, Jan. 31

5:00 PM – Doors open
5:30 PM – Pizza
6:00 PM – Kickoff, introductions and theme reveal
6:30 PM – Team building
7:00 PM – Final pitches (optional), and jam start


Saturday, Feb. 1

10:00 AM – Breakfast, check-in/announcements
5:00 PM – Dinner
6-8:00 PM – Check-in/see what others are working on


Sunday, Feb. 2

10:00 AM – Breakfast, check-in/announcements
3:00 PM – Start game submissions
5:00 PM – Jam ends
5-6:00 PM – Wind down, share games, wrap up, go home

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