Diversity in the Game Industry Report [2016]
12 Jun 2016Developer Satisfaction Survey: 2014 & 2015
Survey Background and Sample Overview
The IGDA administered the Developer Satisfaction Survey (DSS) through March and April in both 2014 and 2015. The DSS 2014 survey accrued a valid sample of 2,198 responses and the DSS 2015 accrued 2,928 valid responses. A summary report on the DSS 2014 data was released on [24 June] 2014 and a summary report on the DSS 2015 data was released on [2 September] 2015.
What follows in this report is an examination of 2014 & 2015 DSS data seen through a socio-demographic lens. Much of this comes from a specific section of the surveys that collected information about diversity policies and practices as well as experiences of inequity.
When reading this report it is important to keep in mind that the inclusion criteria for completing the surveys were quite broad. As a result, the responses reflected in the following [report] represent the experiences and perceptions of those in core development roles as well as roles that are auxiliary to the making of games or part of the larger game industry community.
Read/Download the Whitepaper: IGDA DSS 2014, 2015: Diversity Report [2016](PDF)
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