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(December 2002) Interactive Audio on the Web Review and Recommendations, Prepared by the Web Audio Working Group of the Interactive Audio Special Interest Group

18 Sep 2023

The IASIG Web Audio working group operates from a position of enlightened self-interest. We all genuinely wish to see the web grow and thrive (and along with it, the tools that we use on a daily basis). It is our sincere wish that this document will find its way into the hands of like-minded individuals. Whether you are a composer, sound designer, software developer or hardware manufacturer, this document has been produced for you in the grand spirit of the IASIG: We wish to unite composers and designers with manufacturers in direct dialog for the sole purpose of helping to produce better tools for the creation of interactive audio on the web. This group began its work in the summer of 2001—a very volatile time for web audio delivery systems. Today the landscape is as confusing as ever. During the writing of this document formats have come and gone. Some formats have never even been given the chance to arrive. The audio side of the web is in a constant state of flux. We hope that this document can be used to aid the composer/sound designer in the field to make a bit of sense out of all this rapid movement. Ideally, it will also give manufacturers some useful ideas for future product enhancements. Each of the current leading web audio technologies is covered in its own section (in no particular order), providing pros and cons, as well as an overview of the features and capabilities. The text is heavy on technology, filled with no-nonsense facts, written from “one designer to another”, with a hands-on point of view. The technologies were chosen based on group discussion. We tried to address the major players on the web right now, as well as including a long list of new and emerging technologies. Multiple people worked on each section, to make sure that nothing said was just “one person’s opinion”, and as much as possible we have checked our facts (and opinions) with the companies that produced these products, as well as with other experts. A lot of work went into producing this document. I’d like to personally give a big round of applause to the folks that volunteered their time and effort to the cause of interactive audio. (Dramatic music plays here to fade….).

– Steve Horowitz Composer/Sound designer WAWG Chairman
Web Audio Working Group

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IASIG documents are for informational purposes only. The IASIG does not make any representation or warranty regarding specifications in these documents or any product or item developed based on these specifications. The IASIG disclaims all express and implied warranties, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and freedom from infringement. All information provided in these documents has been made public by the individual company participants and is believed to be free of patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights, other than those of the IASIG and/or the MIDI Manufacturers Association by virtue of having produced these documents. The furnishing of these document does not give you any license to the patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights expressed or implied herein. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the IASIG does not make any warranty of any kind that any item developed based on these specifications or recommendations, or any portion thereof, will not infringe any copyright, patent, trade secret or other intellectual property right of any person or entity in any country. The IASIG shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of these specifications or recommendations, including liability for lost profit, business interruption, or any other damages whatsoever.

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