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Unity Learn Pathways Guide

12 Jan 2021

Unity’s new career pathways guide you step-by-step as you create a portfolio, get Unity Certified, and prepare for a new job.

Get started with Unity Essentials, a 1- to 2-week guided learning journey that teaches you Unity basics and is designed for anyone who wants to become familiar with Unity and real-time content creation. Unity Essentials covers everything you need to take the first step toward a new career, from must-know industry terms to the creation of your first project. By the end of this pathway, you’ll have created your first game and be empowered to create interactive experiences with Unity.

Then, start the Junior Programmer pathway to learn the coding skills you need to create your dream project and start expanding your career opportunities. This pathway is a 3- to 4-month, 60-hour guided learning journey with no coding or math prerequisites that will equip you with the technical and soft skills needed to find a job as a junior programmer. Junior programmer is an entry-level role with a median salary of $49K that serves as a stepping stone into the world of game development and app creation. It sets the foundation for you to grow into a specialization in your area of interest, such as a gameplay, graphics, AR/VR programmer, and more.

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