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SIG Spotlight: IGDA Games Research and User Experience SIG

16 Jan 2019

IGDA Games Research and User Experience

The IGDA Games Research and User Experience Special Interest Group (IGDA GRUX SIG) aims to improve the state of games user research and user experience within the industry. The ultimate goal of Games User Research and of Games User Experience is to help game designers reach their design goals by applying scientific and user experience design principles to ensure that players are having experience developers intend.

Our main approach to the above is to facilitate community and information sharing among user researchers and user experience professionals at game companies, consultancies, and academia. We also take an advocacy and educational role in terms of spreading best practice user research, user experience design practices, and knowledge within the games industry via our two annual summits (One in the USA and one in the UK), and via our social media accounts and communities.

To further the above goals we have a wide range of resources that are available via our website including:

So if you are interested in any of the above please check out our websitejoin our SIG and Discord, follow our Twitter, and attend or sponsor our Summits!

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