Left Arrow News

PHL Gaming

Pennsylvania – Philadelphia

| 10 Sep 2024

IGDA Philadelphia will not be holding our regular meeting schedule this Tuesday – because we will be at the PHL Gaming Conference this Saturday, September 14th! Come see us and learn more about the organization on the expo floor, and see chair Adrian Sandoval and secretary Rob Lloyd on the Pixels & Possibilities panel at 11am to learn more about how IGDA Philadelphia is supporting the Philadelphia region and advocating for game developers in our city! Hope to see you there!

IGDA NYC Game Dev Digest – September 2024

Your monthly guide to NYC game dev news, jobs,...

New York - New York City

17 Sep 2024
IGDA NYC Game Dev Digest – August 2024

Your monthly guide to NYC game dev news, jobs,...

New York - New York City

27 Aug 2024
Events Happening Monthly!

We’re excited to be celebrating the anniversary of the...

North Carolina - Triangle

21 Aug 2024