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Letter from the Interim ED – April 2022

6 Apr 2022

Greetings, IGDA and other members of the game industry,


I hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. It’s been quite the busy month already, as March filled our calendars with numerous industry events and invigorated our spirits with spotlights of inspiring women in the games industry.

As a quick recap, the IGDA Staff and several Board members attended the Game Developers Conference where we held our Annual General Meeting and provided updates to our members about IGDA’s progress over the last year. Additionally, many of our Special Interest Group leaders hosted round table discussions that sparked critical and insightful dialogue among industry stakeholders around important topics like game credits, diversity and inclusion, user research, and more.

Finally, we hosted our Mentor Cafe where we paired nearly 100 mentees and 40 mentors with one another to discuss questions related to career advancement and best practices.

We carry this exciting momentum into April with the Game Design Challenge as we work together with Legends of Learning to enable K-12 students to learn more about game development and practice critical thinking while expanding their portfolios.

April also brings some new and exciting changes to the IGDA Board and Staff, so stay tuned for future announcements about the new additions to the Board of Directors and the conclusion to the ED search.

Best wishes to you and your loved ones.



Dr. Jakin Vela

Interim Executive Director, IGDA

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