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Letter from the ED – July 2023

26 Jul 2023


Hi everyone, 

Last month, I had the pleasure of traveling to Brazil for several industry events. It was quite the experience. I met so many amazing people, so many great developers, and I got to visit some lively places like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. I can’t wait to go back! 

July has been moving forward quickly and we have been preparing for an exciting presence at gamescom. As a reminder, devcom and gamescom are coming up next month. If you have not secured your tickets yet, please do so now! Additionally, the IGDA is partnering with ÜberStrategist and we will host an entire pavilion at gamescom, bringing together game companies, devs, and studios. We’ll have a B2B (business to business) area and a B2C (business to consumer) area. The B2B areas are full right now, but if you are still looking for a demo space for your game in the B2C area, reach out to me and I’ll put you in contact with ÜberStrategist. 

It’s been quite a month while also preparing for some upcoming events like our indie showcases that will feature underrepresented indie developers. We’re also planning our Pathfindings event, which is scheduled for 14-16 November 2023. Our Call for Speakers is open now, so if you are a developer from the global south (Latin America, Africa, Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia), please do consider applying as we would love to see your proposed content come through. We’re really excited because this year we’re doing things a little different – we’re planning to have a few presenters speak on a similar topic then go into a group workshop to amplify the knowledge shared. 

Lastly, please remember to fill out the Developer Satisfaction Survey (DSS) if you haven’t done so already – that would help our research efforts tremendously!

With that said, I hope you have an amazing rest of July as we head into August!


Happy timezone,

Dr. Jakin Vela

Executive Director, IGDA

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