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Keywords Studios

18 Aug 2021


Today we would like to spotlight one of our partners for the upcoming Global Industry Game Awards, Keywords Studios. 

Keywords Studios brings passion to every pixel, every project, every aspect of technology and media. Working hand-in-hand with their clients, their diverse group of digitally-native Keywordians provide technology-enabled services that turn extraordinary ideas into great interactive content.

Keywords is on a mission to be the world’s leading technical and creative services platform for the video games industry and beyond, and a sustainable business that positively contributes to the environment and our communities across the globe.



They work with the world’s leading games publishers and developers helping them create, adapt and support their content in live operation. Keywords provides Art, Development, Audio, QA, Localization, Customer Support and Marketing services to the high growth, dynamic video games market.

Keywords was a single-site, single-service operation in Dublin in 2009 and from 50 people then to some 9,000 staff globally today, clients include all major publishers such as Nintendo, Ubisoft, EA, Riot, Sony, Tencent & Microsoft as well as indie and mobile developers.

By working as the external development partner for these studios, Keywords enables these leading content creators and publishers to leverage Keywords’ expertise and capacity across the lifecycle of interactive content.

In so doing, they help their clients – who are operating in complex and fast moving environments – to remain lean and agile, and to focus on creating and monetising the most engaging experiences.



As the world’s largest technical services platform for the global video games industry, Keywords is at the cutting edge of innovation, where success is predicated on blending technological solutions with people delivery.

For example, XLOC solves for the management of ‘billions’ of text strings to allow the efficient localization of video games; KantanMT is pioneering advanced neural network technology for machine learning to offer ground-breaking translation options for multiple industries and Get Social has developed advanced technology to help mobile game publishers better engage and retain users, decreasing costs of acquisition and improving lifetime value.

Keywords Studios now has 69 studios, in more than 40 cities, across 22 different countries worldwide. If you are looking for experienced veterans to help with your game project, visit the keywordsstudios.com website to discover more.


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