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Interview with IGDA x Core Winner: Corenival

18 Aug 2020

Join us for an interview with Aggripina, one of the IGDA x Core Summer Jam winners who placed 6th with Corenival, a carnival-inspired dream game. This completely virtual game jam used Core to empower the participants to make amazing games over the span of just three weeks.

Core is the new free game creation platform that lets you build, publish, and play games. Core makes prototyping and iteration fast, so it’s a great platform for Game Jams, especially if you want to quickly set up a 3D multiplayer experience. You can get started making games right away using thousands of free, high quality music, sound, and art assets, with no coding required.

IGDA – What can you tell us about yourself? 

AGGRIPINA – I have always been passionate about how games are made, since childhood….from Atari, to Apple IIe, trips to the arcade, my first PSX etc…up to now! My degree and areas of focus and study are in art and music. I’d say working in UnrealEd got me into level design and texturing…and I’ve been hooked since. I’ve worked professionally, as a freelancer and as an art contractor in the gamedev industry in QA, marketing and art, since 2000. I am a graphic designer as well.

IGDA – What inspired your game’s design?

AGGRIPINA – I enjoy games that I can got lost in and explore, on my own time. I’m really bad at shooters, although fun, I’m often killed while drooling over a particular texture or model. I love the detail in the little things that often go unnoticed. So for Corenival, I wanted to add little world that was both creepy (as most carnivals are) but more in a beautiful way. I wanted to encourage people to slow
down, and just walk through the environment as if they were really there…and SEE things. The music and post processes were the icing on the cake! I like the ride where you freefall to the ground.


IGDA – How was using Core for this project?

AGGRIPINA – Core is an amazing platform to easily flesh out your ideas and bring them to life! It could be games, art or a concept you’ve always wanted to prototype. While you can use the fantastic resources of the community created assets to speed along the process, I chose to create everything from scratch…minus a last minute park bench! The nice thing about Core, too, is that there is an
amazing discord community to bounce ideas off of and help each other along.

IGDA – What were some challenges you overcame in the development of this project?

AGGRIPINA – I have a very talented friend who showed me how to animated things like the Ferris wheel with scripts in LUA. This was new to me, as I never do things regarding programming and the like. Ferris wheels not only go around, but the seats rotate in a different way. The final result, though nothing revolutionary, made me proud 🙂

IGDA – Are you working on any other projects that you would like to share?

AGGRIPINA – Most recently I entered a an environmental art contest featuring the work of Tohad (Sylvain Sarrailh) and an American McGee inspired Alice contest. I am honored to be a part of a very talented crew as well….we are developing some games as we speak….more to come!

CORENIVAL by Aggripina
https ://www.coregames.com/games/f9e6379c08c047a78c637a6011a111b2

MIRROR MIRROR by Aggripina

THE MISTIC by Aggripina


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