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IGDA NYC Game Dev Digest – March 2023

New York – New York City

| 17 Mar 2023

Your monthly guide to NYC game dev news, jobs, and events.

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Saturday, March 11th, 2023
Editor: Mattia Sicuro
A monthly publication of the International Game Developers Association New York City Chapter for the NYC game community.
nyc@igda.org • igda.nyc

Hey, Gmail users! Click to see the full, unclipped version. Don’t miss the jobs and other good stuff at the end!

In this issue:

What’s on | Highlights of upcoming events.

Chapter Events | Meetups, talks, and other events we’re hosting.

#NYMakesGames News | Game launches and other updates from local creators.

Around Town | A community calendar of events from across the city.

Jobs & Opportunities | The latest posts from our notice boards.

IGDA Resources | Discounts and other benefits for IGDA members.

Chapter Resources | Where to go for more info.

What’s On This Month

  • How to Launch a Career in Games presented by MOME – Hear from industry experts about how you can build your skills to pursue your passion in this thriving field of gaming

  • The Unreleased Games Arcade hosted by Gaming Pathways is an opportunity for individual designers and companies to show off and get feedback on games currently in development: students will come to City College on March 11th to play the games, speak with their designers, and learn more about the game design process one-on-one!

On the Horizon

  • The Game Devs of Color Expo is returning online September 27-30th! Including a Wednesday-Saturday format in an effort to make the event more accessible, Submissions are open for panels and speakers, and developers are also able to submit games!

  • The EGD Collective’s annual free hybrid conference, Waffle Games, is returning to City College and virtually on Saturday, April 15th!

News and updates from the mothership.

  • GDC is just around the corner & IGDA members can save 10% on select passes! Come together to exchange ideas, solve problems, and shape the industry’s future across 5 days of education, inspiration, & networking! Check out all IGDA activities here

  • The IGDA is hosting the Mentor Café on March 23rd from 5:30pm – 7:00pm PST at GDC! Mentors are still needed for this event, the sessions are 25 minutes, so you can participate as much as you can. This is an excellent opportunity to support a diverse game industry as well as meet other mentors and share your knowledge with the future of the industry. Please register here in advance as a Mentor or Mentee. Mentees must have a GDC badge to attend – space is limited!

  • The IGDA Game ART SIG invites you to submit artwork to showcase at the IGDA booth at GDC 2023! The “art wall” will be part of the IGDA booth display and as there is limited space on the wall, there will be a review and selection process. Selected artists will have a spotlight with their artwork and their portfolios, so make sure to include the link to your portfolio in the form. Submit your art here!

  • The IGDA Game Credits SIG is launching a global survey to understand the current sentiment and confidence game developers feel toward game crediting. Please consider completing this 5-minute survey to support efforts in learning more about the importance and impact of game credits. Take the survey here!

Monday Afternoon Co-Working on Discord

IGDA NYC Discord

Every Monday, 1pm – 4pm

Come join us at our new regular co-working hours on our Discord channel!

We’ll be working camera optional/mic off on the Events Voice Channel. But our new Lounge Channel will be right next door for anyone who wants to show off what they’re working on, ask some questions, or just hang out.

Join the Discord!

Taco Tuesday with Coexist!

*RSVP Required*
Coexist Gamehouse

Tue, Mar 28th @ 6:30pm

Join us at the Coexist Gamehouse for a casual social with Tacos, games, drinks and music!

RSVP here required for free entry!



NY Makes Games!

Celebrating work by the NYC game dev community.

Share your NY game news here or tweet #NYMakesGames.
Section Editor: Mattia Sicuro

Making Waves

  • The recording of Robert Meyer’s Lecture Series talk on combat design in God of War: Ragnarok is now available to watch on the NYU Game Center YouTube channel!

  • Wonderville’s Spring 2023 game residencies are playable for the next three months! Featuring Demon Smash by @MarinaMakes on the Pico-8 cabinet, and on the Wondercab is Leisurely Eatery by Jenny Jiao Hsia and AP Thomson. Check out the full list of games available here

  • Playtest Thursday at the NYU Game Center is returning for the Spring 2023 semester and remains open to the general public! Fill out this Google Form to request access to the Playtest Thursday guest list

  • Talks from the 2022 Game Devs of Color Expo are continuing to roll out! Check out the GDoCExpo Youtube channel each week to catch up on all of the most recent talks.


  • Genome: Body by Abby Yaffe, Jordan Grayson and Gurn Group – Originally part of the NYU Game Center Capstone program, Genome is a series of games about climate change, environmental terrorism, and epigenetics with each iteration bringing different explorations of mechanics, aesthetics, and writing.

  • Tower Escape by Final Screw – Tower Escape is a reverse tower defense game, where instead of defending against incoming enemies, you play the baddies and guide your minions to the exit.

  • Innverse by Backwards Sunrise is a strategy game where you play as a Mycelial Colony working to spread your fungal network!

  • The Game of Fourtune Original Soundtrack by Jeff Penny – From Black Lock Games’ upcoming character driven visual novel featuring a variety puzzles and an expanding flowchart system to track your progress!

  • barelymusician by Anokta is a real-time music engine that is used to generate and perform musical sounds from scratch, including a Unity plug-in.

  • Reimagined Volume I: Nyssa by Julie Cavaliere and Michaela Ternasky Holland is a VR animation series showcasing lesser known mythology and folklore in a gender-inclusive experience, now available on Meta Quest TV.

  • Volleygon by ROBYSOFT is a raucous 2-on-2 anti-gravity showdown where geometric shapes flying through space take center stage!

  • Romancelvania by The Deep End Games is a darkly comic genre mashup, combining side-scrolling action and tongue-in-cheek romance into one completely absurd and unforgettable adventure.


  • Project W(erewolf) is an educational game exploring how concepts surrounding the nature of science can be used to prove or disprove werewolves, and how we must carefully interpret scientific data. Campaign ends on April 23rd

Ongoing Initiatives

  • Applications to join GUMBO are open! GUMBO is a non-profit collective of indie game creators located in Dumbo, Brooklyn formed to inspire and motivate each other, stay current in the indie game makers community, and expand an already amazing skill-sharing network.

  • In support of Wonderville, consider becoming a member of Death By Audio Arcade to earn discounts on event tickets, help the team raise funds to build new arcade cabinets and make other cool things happen with local game devs!

  • ANNY Exchange is a Talent Connect Initiative for Animation Nights New York. Want to participate and be added to the database of Animation Talent from all around the world? More info here

  • Want to show your Pico-8 game at Wonderville? Submit to the curation team here!

  • Animation Nights New York (ANNY) is always accepting submissions for Animated Short Films, AR Animation Experiences, VR animation Experiences, and Interactive Media (including Video Games). More info here

  • Coexist Gaming is a subscription-based gaming lifestyle company that provides an inclusive ecosystem for community, culture, connection and opportunity. Including a gaming lounge, optimized networking experiences and accessible resources for Devs, find out more and become a member here!
  • Women in Games NYC has begun hosting monthly meetups! Keep an eye on their meetup page for all upcoming details as space is limited

Explore #NYMakesGames on Twitter
Around Town

Happenings in the NYC game dev community and beyond.

Unless otherwise noted, events are (probably!) free to attend. Follow @GameDevNYC for event alerts. Contact nyc@igda.org to add your org’s events.

Wednesday, March 1st

NYC Indie Games Social – The NYC Indie Games social is a monthly gathering for indie game devs of all stripes to mix and mingle in a casual, relaxed setting.

Saturday, March 4th

Killer Queen Wonderville Monthly Bring Your Own Team! – Watch some of the best Killer Queen players bring teams and face off in a tournament of the popular and fast-paced ten player strategy arcade platformer

Thursday, March 9th

Legal Seminar for Game Devs hosted by GUMBO – Listen to a legal seminar delivered by a professional lawyer, Eric Ding, who is also a fellow game developer!

Saturday, March 11th

Latin American Games Showcase – Get to know more than 60 games at the first ever online showcase beginning at 2PM EST, with a pre-show featuring two industry talks!

Monday, March 13th

Women in Games NYC Perler Pixel Art – Joint the Women in Games NYC meetup group to make Perler pixel art!

Wednesday, March 15th

Building and Using Virtual Reality in Education (VR in Education) – Connect with educators, developers and others in the space to discuss effective ways of developing and implementing VR in educational spaces.

How to Launch a Career in Games presented by MOME – Whether you want to be a creator of interactive stories or on the sales and marketing end of the business, find out how you can build your skills to pursue your passion in this dynamic field!

3DNY Meetup – 3DNY is a networking community for the Architectural Visualization & Visual Effects industries, with speakers and time to chat.

Thursday, March 16th

Monthly Thursdays with Hacker Hours – Free office hours for coding help—any programming language, all levels of experience!

Saturday, March 18th

Digital Liberation Workshop at Wonderville – Presented purely for research purposes, Cine Móvil NYC will lead this workshop showing the many tools that exist to procure media should you need it.

Sunday, March 19th

Saison Zero at Wonderville – Join Saison Zero this month for a TTRPG beginner-friendly, open tables event with two rules-light systems: Mörk Borg and Blades in the Dark!

Sunday, March 26th

Virtual Sundays with Hacker Hours – Free office hours for coding help—any programming language, all levels of experience!

Tuesday, March 28th

Taco Tuesday with Coexist – Join Coexist for a casual social with Tacos, games, drinks and music!

Wonderville’s last Tuesday of the Month Playtest – Come to Wonderville to playtest in production games! No signups required.

AWE Night NYC – A monthly meetup for Augmented Reality enthusiasts!

Recurring Weekly





View NYC Game Dev Calendar
Jobs and Opportunities

Recent jobs, internships, scholarships, grants, exhibitions, and other opportunities.

View or submit a listing for free.



  • Critical Thinking Game Design Challenge consists of two rounds; Round One, contestants submit a game pitch using the theme of critical thinking, and Round Two, in which finalists will be selected based on their pitch and develop their critical thinking video games based on their game pitches. Each Finalist who submits an eligible game is guaranteed a prize of at least $100 (USD). The Winning Game is guaranteed a prize of at least $3,000 (USD). The total prize pool awarded to the group of Finalists will be $10,000 (USD) or more. [Deadline: March 19, 2023.]
  • The Game Audio Diversity Alliance Scholarship was created to award financial assistance to minorities pursuing a career in game audio. The Scholarship recipient will receive a scholarship to the School of Video Game Audio with mentorship opportunities to help them get their foot in the door. [Deadline: March 10th]

  • The Astra Fellowship provides, $40,000 USD to cover expenses throughout the year, Individual mentorship from industry veterans, access to events such as playtesting sessions, talks, and social gatherings. [Deadline: April 5th]


  • Join a group of seven recent grads and hobbyists from across the U.S. developing Untitled Melody, a rhythm game based on the music of talented Vocaloid artist nostraightanswer. Fill out the interest form for more info!

View Jobs & Opportunities Board (Currently under construction)

Benefits for IGDA members.

Join here. Log in for all member discount codes and details.

  • Event discounts: IGDA Members save 10% on tickets to GI Live: Online – visit the Discounts page for details!

  • Education discounts: 10% off all General Assembly classes and workshops. Browse NYC classes.

  • Software discounts: 20% off Buildbox. Details.

  • IGDA Career Center: Job listings open to all; early access for members. Careers.igda.org

  • IGDA Crowdfunding Collection: Member projects featured on Kickstarter. Submit.

Browse IGDA member benefits
Chapter Resources

Visit our site: igda.nyc

Follow us for updates:

• @IGDANYC on Twitter
• Facebook page

Connect with the community:

Discord server
• Facebook group
• Meetup group
• LinkedIn group

Looking for work? Hiring? 

Visit our Jobs and Opportunities board to view or post listings for free.

Want to help us do things?

Learn about volunteering with the chapter.

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Copyright © 2022 IGDA NYC, All rights reserved.


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