IGDA Interview Series: Scott Rogers and Mike Kent
5 Nov 2015First, check out an interview with Scott Rogers. Scott has 20 years of video game experience designing games for Sony, Disney, Capcom… read more about his career and get advice in the first of this week’s interviews!
Then, we have all heard of game jams…what about an art jam? IGDA’s Jillian Mood recently sat with an art professor who is initiating a movement of art and community in the video game industry. Read all about this movement and how to run an art jam so you can do one in your city!
Join the interview series!
If you would like to send a proposal on a subject you would like to hear about, be interviewed yourself, or nominate someone, we’d love to hear from you! Send thoughts to Jillian -AT- IGDA -DOT- org.
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