IGDA Codes and Processes Updates
26 Jan 2022Over the past four months, the IGDA has been listening to our community and looking inwards to review our own efforts and policies.
The IGDA is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose mission is to support and empower game developers around the world in achieving fulfilling and sustainable careers. We push our industry to become a better place for all of us by standing up for developers’ best interests, including combating crunch, encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion, and promoting approaches for positive workplace cultures. As we help the industry iterate and progress, we must also review our own processes, expectations, and failures.
To ensure we hold ourselves and our community to high standards, we have worked with our IGDA members over the past four months to update our Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct to better set expectations and standards for our community and our leaders. We have also updated our “IGDA Policy for Responding to Harassment Complaints” to a more comprehensive “IGDA Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process.” The Ethics Review Committee, formed from IGDA volunteer leadership, board members, and staff members, proposed, iterated upon, and reviewed these changes over these last four months. The new investigative process also involves the creation of an Ethics Committee made up of impartial individuals that will handle all aspects of ethics complaints investigations going forward including: reviewing initial report, initiating collection and documentation of information gathered, and preparing ethics investigation reports to the Board of Directors and Counsel for consideration of appropriate actions needed to resolve the complaint.
- Updated Code of Ethics
- Updated Code of Conduct
- IGDA Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process with a summary of changes for Code of Ethics Code of Conduct, and IGDA Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process
These updates are thanks to the input and feedback from countless IGDA members and community leaders over the past four months. We also recognize these must be living documents that continuously undergo revision and improvements so that they may always support a positive and inclusive IGDA community. We invite all industry members to review these documents and to provide any feedback or suggestions to us so that we can continue to improve upon them.
We are grateful to our community and our industry members for helping us push forward to make our communities and our industry at large a better place for us all. Thank you.
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