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Events Happening Monthly!

North Carolina – Triangle

| 21 Aug 2024

We’re excited to be celebrating the anniversary of the chapter relaunch this month. We’ve been consistently hosting events every month this year, and have grown the chapter significantly in that time. Our events have included Playtest nights (co-hosted with Triangle Interactive Arts Collective), quarterly board game hangouts at Gamer’s Geekery in Cary, an XR panel and VR game demos (co-hosted with AWE Night NC, NCXR and sponsored by Duke University and CrossComm), Micro Talks, and a partnership with RTP Foundation for quarterly Out of Office events. We’ve also partnered with sister chapters, such as IGDA Central VA chapter to offer our members virtual events, such as their amazing panels on Narrative and Animation.

We are so grateful for the support of the amazing game developer community that we have here in the Triangle. Please join us at one of our upcoming events, or drop us a line if you have questions about how you can support our chapter!

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