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2021 IGDA LA Board Candidates – Election Form Open Until Nov 15

California – Los Angeles

| 5 Nov 2020

Our 2021 board candidates are now finalized! Details are below.

The voting form is now ready: https://forms.gle/FeJfkYB3vDWTDUCW7

We’ll be notifying all candidates and regional IGDA members shortly. Elections will be open for 10 days.

Candidates below are listed in order of application received.

Each candidate statement includes 3 questions:

A.) Why are you running for the IGDA LA board?

B.) What can the IGDA do to enhance the lives and careers of the Los Angeles gaming community?

C.) What are three (3) specific things you would like to see IGDA Los Angeles achieve in the next year?

Candidate Statement: Justin Chin

A. Ever since coming out of FullSail University for Game Design, I’ve felt the need to contribute back to the game development community, to help build and support all the fantastic designers, students, hobbyists, and people who explore or want to explore this medium. I’ve found it’s important to find those like-minded people for your support network, to give those insights, and to lean on, because of this industry’s unique difficulties and challenges. More than that, it’s important to find people who can inspire and help drive you. Being able to help bridge that gap, provide spaces and opportunities for those connections are why I’m here and why I’m running for the IGDA LA Board. I want to continue volunteering, helping, and connecting people within the IGDA LA community.

Since last year, I’ve volunteered at Game Daily Connect, IndieCade, and IndieSpeak. I’ve attended the IGDA LA Board meetings, been involved in the NYFA Mentor Network, board game community, local Meetup.com IndieDev group, online game dev group at HomeTeam GameDev, got into GDC CA’s program for 2020, and started a charity’s development arm at Games for Love. I’ve found value from the IGDA meetups that I’ve attended. I believe my background as a game designer and current position as a producer for mobile games puts me in a position to help expand IGDA LA’s network and continue the quality of panels and networking events that have been ongoing in the past year.

B.) IGDA LA can continue to provide online networking events and bring awareness for IGDA LA members of online communities and events within game development. We can provide informational interviews and panelists on various subjects, including but not limited to: getting into the industry, producer talks, audio talks, legal talks, game art for networking, insights, and career progression.

C.) I aim to see more panelist interviews for informational and networking purposes, with recordings. Provided it’s safe, I would like to have in-person networking events. Otherwise, online networking events via online 3D spaces, or zoom. Even if the pandemic falls largely into 2021, I want to continue our online board meetings to deliver high-quality remote events for IGDA LA and the community.

Candidate Statement: colton bayne childrey

A.) I have 8 years in the video game industry and understand all areas of the industry. I understand that developers are people not slaves and firmly believe that the game industry needs to have a union to stop the big studios from overworking and over abusing developers. I have a passion for creating great games and love to help teach others about the game industry.

B.) More career fairs and meet and greet. Although with covid more virtual hang outs. Maybe even offer a once a year gaming tournament for college scholarships.

C.) More partnerships with game studios for career fairs, a college scholarship, and more developer outreach for students.

Candidate Statement: Vincent Gallopain

A.) Greetings fellow members!
I am a marketer with more than 22 years of experience in the gaming industry. Worked on the media side for a while before joining an indie studio and later setting up my consulting firm in Los Angeles. Worked with inspiring developers like the veteran Charles Cecil and incredibly talented newcomers like the Ghost Town game duo behind Overcooked. Helped launching around 30 games on different platforms. Working on a daily basis with indie devs, publishers and the media. In short, networking is my cup of tea 😉
I’d like to be more involved with the community in the future. Even though I’ve just recently joined the IGDA, I’ve been monitoring its actions over the past decade.
I believe I can help the association grow by sharing my experience in communication and events with my local chapter. Also might be worth mentioning that I am a proud IGDA mentor, a judge for several awards ceremonies and a member of the programming committee for the International Montreal Games Summit.

B.) Please see the following response.

C.) New Masterclasses
More games showcase (for members and the press)
More international connection between countries

Candidate Statement: Swati Mallya

A.) I’ve been in educational game development for 5 years. Interested in meeting more people and facilitating convos and helping people build communities in these tough times!

B.) Continue to do talks, social events, and networking events, and also help have more conversations about crunch, burnout, mental health, etc so people starting out don’t work themselves too hard and have regrets at the beginning of their careers.

C.) Create opportunities for people to share what they’re working on and get feedback from others, more workshop/shared work time style events, opportunities for more game community related mental health stuff to help those really struggling during the covid times.

Candidate Statement: Kevin-Brandon Joseph Corbett

A.) I have passion about teaching and inspiring others to chase their goals. I have been playing games and coming up with stories since I can remember. Currently, I run a podcast where I interview game developers all around the world. This helps me learn game development and bring valuable information to other developers. I am focused on Gameplay Programming and studying C++ using Unreal. I am excited to run for board because I believe it is time for the Next Generation of developers to take the leadership position. A lot needs to happen to bring learning resources to all of those who want to participate in creating games. We need a space where everyone feels comfortable to share their creative expression and a chance for everyone to tell their story. I am running to be that guy who helps bring us all together and moves us forward into the future.

B.) IGDA can bring forward a multitude of resources and events that can help guide aspiring developers towards their career goals. For instance, IGDA can bring forward courses from an online learning source and with the right funding allow those who don’t have the money access to high level courses.

C.) The three specific things I would like to see IGDA Los Angeles is to have a weekly show that interviews a developer in the industry. This interview will help inspire other developers. The second thing I would like to see IGDA LOs Angeles do is connect with online communities like GameDev.tv to help bring learning sources to all the members of the IGDA Los Angeles. Third more meetups through zoom.

Candidate Statement: Andrew “Dru” Erridge

A.) Last year, I started my own consulting & contracting company focused on engineering for online games. My passion for meeting, knowing, and helping other developers make their games has become my job description, and yet my desires still reach well beyond the needs of my business. That’s why I joined IGDA LA’s executive board, where I was elected in 2020. I’ve helped organize and even spearheaded some of the most well attended events this calendar year, like our games business and law panel. Even before I was elected, with no formal title, I offered the board my support and handled the day-to-day operations of calling venues, sending out emails, and making sure our regular meetups took place.

The experience has taken me back to my start in games which revolved around attending, organizing, and teaching peers at USC and in LA’s indie tech/games community. I sat on the board of 3 large games, entrepreneurship, and tech organizations within the university (MEGA, Startup Equinox, and USC ACM’s President). These orgs sparked a far-reaching curriculum change, brought student opinions into the instructor hiring process, and gave me an appreciation for what community organizing can achieve. After graduating, I spent 5+ years as a member and a leader for engineering teams inside Riot Games.

My previous experience in both independent and AAA studios gives me a wide network within IGDA’s members and (future!) partners. My prior experience running both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations can be an asset in planning and management of events and projects. What’s more, I’m excited to continue supporting this wonderful organization, and bringing more great events to Los Angeles developers.

B.) IGDA LA’s in a unique position to support the community through one of the my trying times in our industry’s history. We can be a connecting thread at a time that’s been isolating, a support network at a time when we need to pull each other up, and a third place for an industry of people who have turned their passion into their work.

C.) -Host a “Town Hall” to surface and discuss the largest issues facing our community at large, and deliver them to LA industry leaders
-Bringing our assortment successful events into a cohesive calendar our members can depend on
-Facilitate an open conversation of an ethics topic (e.g. Player Privacy, Monetization Practices, or Healthy Workplaces) at an event

Candidate Statement:Tiffany Otto

A.) Ever since I found the IGDA by connecting with our (then) Executive Director at an HQ event, I immediately got involved in our local LA chapter. After attending a few events and sitting in on board meetings I was appointed to fill a vacancy for the remainder of 2019. I then ran for the 2020 board and was elected, where I’ve been serving as our treasurer the past year. I brought in a CPA to audit our books, since our fundamentals must be in order to accomplish our mission.

I love that we’re one of the largest IGDA chapters in the world. It feels like there are so many opportunities and people to connect. Although 2020 has been a strange year, we have maintained an average of one event per month, online, with educational and peer networking value. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to help people be connected, even from home. Although in-person events like E3, GDC, and IndieCade didn’t take place physically, I continued to networking proactively, in the online form of these and other events, and in other gamedev communities, to expand our community’s options for potential speakers and panelists. I’ve been doing collaborative streaming to practice being natural online, since I see that’s a skill useful in helping our community feel connected under the circumstances.

My career has included AAA game development at Rockstar, indie game development at Fire Hose Games, and working with IndieCade on Sponsorships and Partnerships. My background helps me serve the IGDA since we aim to assist professional game developers at all team and company sizes. Inclusivity and attention to intersectional considerations is also a pillar for me. Most recently, as part of our online 2020 holiday event I was our board’s connection for bringing in a qualified professional to speak with our members on diversity & inclusion. I’m running for the IGDA LA board because I’m excited to continue my mission in doing what we can to make our industry and community more welcoming to more developers.

B.) One thing we’ve learned in 2020 is that while online events can be useful and valuable, they don’t necessarily excel in the exact same areas as our traditional in-person functions. The Career Fair I took point on in 2019 (brief documentation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R22UNvzRqLw) helped careers for our community, but though we were able to experiment with many kinds of events online in 2020 that’s an example of a format we learned is extra challenging to do online. Anticipating that most, or perhaps all, of 2021 will continue to need to take place fully online, I believe our greatest opportunities will be playing to the strengths of that. I so far found this to be in the form of peer networking breakout shuffles, and also building up connections with peers from outside the LA area, since under COVID-19 distance is temporarily far less of an obstacle for our networking.

C.) 1. Though a career fair format didn’t fit well online, we’ll find an alternative approach to connect LA companies to people seeking new opportunities.
2. In 2021 we’ll continue the new Town Hall tradition, this time knowing up front the year will be online.
3. I’ve been organizing student-industry networking outside IGDA, and I’d like to develop that as a part of our chapter plan in 2021.

Candidate Statement: Miranda Due

A.) Hello, I am Miranda Due (Pawnee/Cherokee) and I am running for the IGDA LA board to continue serving the LA are. I am currently an Associate Producer at Treyarch, and I would not be where I am today without the network and resources I have gained through my time in IGDA as both a student, professional and board member. I hope to give back to the Los Angeles community, and help developers pursue new opportunities and professional development. I have been on the IGDA LA board this past year, and have helped plan numerous events with the current board, and I look forward to continuing to help the LA and adjacent game dev communities navigate IGDA during the pandemic. I am passionate about promoting diversity in game development, and I have previously been involved with Women in Games International, and am currently a member of the Indigenous Game Dev Association. I hope to continue to push for wider representation in the games industry and will use my position on the IGDA LA board to push for events that support that.

B.) IGDA provides opportunities for the LA gaming community to learn, network, and stay informed. This past year IGDA LA has put on multiple virtual events, where I personally have made new connections and learned so much about the roles of other disciplines in the industry. Since LA is a huge gaming industry city, I believe we have a lot of potential to do even more and have many great events to highlight the amazing studios and developers in our region.

C.) This past year has been a challenge, but I am confident that we will continue to put on great virtual events.1) I would like to see IGDA LA host a virtual job fair. 2) I would like to see IGDA LA host events with other game dev organizations. 3) I would like to see IGDA LA focus more on outreach and education for youth.

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