Webinar Details
The goal of this webinar is to share how game companies can enhance their talent acquisition strategies by leveraging the experience and expertise of candidates who are returning to the workforce after a gap in employment. Learn from reacHIRE’s very own Program Manager, Laura Shackelford, and T-Mobile Returnship Participant, Ramalakshmi Nataraja, as they discuss Ramalakshmi’s journey to a leadership role in the male dominated software engineering field after a 14 year career break. ReacHIRE Director, Ariel Galipeau, will conclude the session with strategies to help diverse talent get back to work in the games space.
Jun 22, 2023 12:00 PM Central Daylight Time
Intended Audience
For Game Companies: Gain new strategies to support your talent acquisition pipeline while advancing diversity and inclusion initiatives.
For Employees/Potential Returners: Learn how to re-enter the workforce with the support and confidence to succeed in any role you take on.
*This is a partner webinar brought to you by IGDA.