The IGDA wants to provide 500 new developers (or more!) with an IGDA membership, and we’d love your support in reaching this goal. A sponsorship from you would allow us to provide a new cohort of IGDA members with valuable networking opportunities, access to a global community of IGDA chapters and special interest groups, mentorship, discounts on events and products, and resources that help developers thrive.
You can tell us how many developers you wish to support by completing this form.
Did we mention each sponsorship tier comes with an additional perk for the sponsor?
From social media shout outs to eblasts sent to our subscriber list, we at the IGDA want to express our gratitude for your support as we usher in the New Year and help game developers across the globe achieve a fulfilling and sustainable career in the games industry.
Can we count on you to support 2 or more developers for our New Year, New Developer member drive?
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
-The IGDA Team