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06 Dec 2022

Leveraging Text to Speech as a Game Dev – Clash of the Use Cases

Leveraging Text to Speech as a Game Dev - Clash of the Use Cases

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Event Details

A friendly contest? Why yes! In this IGDA webinar, three game devs will champion their use case of text to speech (TTS) in their games.
Namely: Accessibility, Character Voices, and Prototyping.

A refresher: text to speech is what it says in the name, you write or generate a piece of text, and almost magically, with voice technology it synthesizes it into speech.
A good example of that is (smart) voice assistants that roam the tech space today or some of your favorite streamers that use TTS to voice-enable chat messages i.e. when receiving donations.

With dynamic runtime TTS embedded in a game project, game devs can harness that power of voice in their games and utilize it in many creative ways.

Learn more from Jamin, Cari, and Conor about how they used this dynamic solution to elevate their games and processes.

*This is webinar brought to you by IGDA in partnership with ReadSpeaker.


About the Speakers

Jamin Smith

Jamin Smith is the Director and Lead Designer at Superstring; a London-based game studio looking to explore new game-hybrids and abuse the boundaries of genre. The studio’s latest release, Acolyte, fuses natural-language dialogue with a deep detective narrative and innovative ARG features. Across nearly two-decades in the games industry, Jamin has worked for the likes of SEGA, Born Ready Games, Edge Case Games and Square Enix.


Cari Erica Watterton

Cari is the Senior Accessibility Designer at Rebellion with a background in UX and a passion for creating games for everyone, with intuitive experiences and player-centered design at the core. She is a BAFTA Games nominee, two-time DARE finalist and Abertay University Alumni. Outside of work she makes TTRPG dice, has an unhealthy amount of board games and a black cat called Toothless.


Conor Bradley

Conor Bradley is the founder and director of Soft Leaf Studios, an indie game development studio based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Soft Leaf Studios strive to make disability-friendly game experiences by working closely with people who are blind, deaf, and those with other physical and mental disabilities. Their goal is to remove barriers from the games they make and to push the boundaries of what is considered possible in making games accessible. Currently, they are developing an accessible point-and-click adventure called Stories of Blossom, expected to release Spring of next year on Windows PC, and Xbox Series X|S.





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