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25 Aug 2020

Jam Sesh – 001 – IGDA Cincinnati

Ohio - Cincinnati
Is it something new?!
Welcome to the first-ever IGDA Cincinnati Jam Sesh!
We all have ideas for games but sometimes we need help getting those ideas on paper or bounce those ideas off of others. So we want to introduce Jam Sesh!
We will be focusing on just one individual’s game per session and the idea is to collectively help brainstorm new ideas or even advice to help the game come to fruition and avoid Scope CREEEEP.
How can we go about doing this? COVID and all.
We will be utilizing Google Jamboard
This will allow us to doodle, import reference imagery, and write out our ideas to aid in the idea stage.
If you’d like to have your own Jam Sesh be sure to message any of the admins below with a brief summary of the idea you are working with and a screenshot of your IGDA.org membership ID
Branden Middendorf
Andy Jetter
Clayton Belcher
William Burke
You can signup for an IGDA.org Membership and take advantage of all the perks they have to offer here:
Go to manage profile>membership card> and show us the card and we can add you to the list of future Jam Sessions.
We hope to see you there for the first one! Our goal for IGDA Cincinnati is to help you get your games started and to market. So let us help you kick off that next big idea you have 🙂




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