Join us in one of CCM’s Electronic Media labs at the University of Cincinnati for an introductory workshop on making games in the Unreal Engine. Steve Hopper and Tim Zachary of Rogue Wolf Games will be walking us through making a simple marble-in-a-maze game using Unreal’s blueprints system.
If you’d like to follow along, be sure to install the Unreal Engine on a laptop (it’s free!) and bring it along.
There’s a paid parking lot underneath CCM and plenty of street parking around campus. We’re meeting on the 3000 level of Mary Emery Hall. Here’s a map: https://www.uc.edu/content/dam/uc/af/pdc/maps/maps2019/2019%20UC%20West%20Campus%20bw.pdf
If you get lost on campus on your way to the room, contact Clayton Belcher: (513) 444-3705.
Space is relatively limited for this event (~16 or so seats), so it’s first-squat, first-learn. Please try to mark your attendance as truthfully as you can to help others decide whether to try to join.
See ya there!