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12 Nov 2020

IGDA Chicago AMA: with Rachel Nador

Illinois - Chicago

Join IGDA Chicago for our AMA Speaker Series that allows you to ask those burning questions you have always wanted to ask to industry veterans!

This event will be held Thursday, November 12th with very special guest Rachel Nador!

Rachel Nador has an Art degree from the University of Iowa and started her career creating graphics for vehicle simulation, but soon became a video game environment artist. For eight years she worked for companies like Atari/Midway Games West, and Electronic Arts. She is currently a freelance 3D artist and has done extensive work creating medical and scientific graphics for AR/VR and other applications.

You can find examples of Rachel’s work on her website and can connect with her via LinkedIn.

Attend this live event by tuning in to the IGDA Chicago Twitch Channel


Source: https://www.igdachicago.com/events/2020-nov-ama-rachel-nador





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