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30 Jun 2020

Huawei AppsUp Contest

Huawei AppsUp Contest

Huawei, the world’s leading technology company, invites developers from around the globe to take part in their Huawei Mobile Services application contest – AppsUp. The event aims to bring together the best developers from around the world, as well as providing them with a platform to showcase their skills.

The annual AppsUp contest will see entrants put their skills to the test on a global stage, using the full suite of tools and resources available through Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) and HMS Core to create and develop innovative apps which enable users to navigate everyday life more easily. Five regional events will be held in China, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East and Africa, with the final event being livestreamed online in September.

The contest offers talented developers the chance to win cash prizes of up to $20,000 USD, with a total prize fund of $1 million USD available. In addition to cash rewards, finalists will also have their app promoted on the HUAWEI AppGallery, with it being accessible to hundreds of millions of device users from more than 170 countries.

Watch the launch ceremony here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyaN6yTxhwI

How to enter

To enter, participants must register for the contest via the official website between June 30 and August 30, 2020. Participants can sign up either as an individual or as a team of up to three members.

All apps must be developed using selected HMS Core capabilities and submitted for review through the contest webpage before 18:00 (UTC+8) on August 30, 2020. The judging panel, comprising industry experts and Huawei heavyweights, will then score each entry based on its functionality, innovation, commercial value and practicality.

From there, the top 20 shortlisted apps from each region will be made available for public voting through the contest webpage and HUAWEI AppGallery. The most popular entries will receive additional scores at the finals event.

In October the finalists will showcase their apps to the expert judging panel in order to compete for the top prize during the  final ceremony which will be announced in due course.

For more information, please visit AppsUp contest.




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