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07 May 2020

How to Master the Art of Public Speaking & Presentations

How to Master the Art of Public Speaking & Presentations

May 7th, 2020. 4 PM ET.

MasterTalk Foundations covers the keys to mastering the art of public speaking. In his keynote, Brenden explains the most important components of any presentation such as the importance of silences, eye contact, and the removal of filler words to his audience through personal stories & real-life corporate situations. He secures quick wins over the duration of his presentation to ultimately convince his audience that communication mastery is within their reach.


Learning Objectives

  • Easy-to-implement strategies to practice communication daily that easily integrates in their day-to-day life to any area of life of industry
  • Mindset change in how participants perceive communication mastery from very difficult to a clear set of steps towards strong progression
  • Introduction to an elite presenter’s mindset; how world class presenters prepare for presentations


About the Speaker

Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, a YouTube channel he created to help others master the art of communication and public speaking. He has helped many startups raise capital and improve their presentation decks through his time in venture capital at Front Row Ventures and enjoys mentoring purpose driven individuals to achieve their milestones in life. He also works at IBM as an Associate Consultant, helping his clients navigate through HR transformations in industries like telecommunications and construction.


This webinar will be streamed on the IGDA Twitch Channel (Free). No RSVP is required.





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