All you need to know about how EU Digital legislation affects the Gaming Industry
Wednesday 8th July 2020
12.30pm to 1.30pm (PST) / 3.30pm – 4.30pm (EST)
The European Union has launched a series of new digital regulations to put in place its Single Digital Agenda. These include, in addition to privacy laws (the GDPR remains a priority), the new “Platform-to-Business” (P2B) Regulation (effective 12 July 2020), the EU Copyright Directive (effective from 7 June 2021), the Digital Services Act (under consultation) as well as the tightening of social media regulation.
These new laws target digital businesses and online platforms so we have decided to focus on how they impact the Gaming Industry in terms of your business and interactions with European customers.
Whether you are an indie game developer, an ‘AAA’ game developer or a game publisher, join us as we discuss important steps to keep your game(s) and company compliant with the law.
In this virtual roundtable, Laura Berton and Paul Lanois will talk you through the EU Digital legislation applicable to the Gaming Industry and will give you practical tips on:
- which laws you should pay attention to,
- what you should do to comply with these new laws,
- what changes you should make to your standard terms and processes, and
- the consequences of not complying.
This session will be conducted as a roundtable, where we invite you to share your questions and experience rather than a formal lecture.
Register now: https://info.fieldfisher.com/email_handler.aspx?sid=blankform&redirect=https%3a%2f%2finfo.fieldfisher.com%2f94%2f3472%2flanding-pages%2frsvp-(blank)_draft.asp