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24 May 2019

Game Access ’19

Game Access '19

Are you already thinking of the next place to be discovered? Inspirational speeches held by well-known game industry professionals from Eidos, Tekla Inc, Isomniac Games, Exit Plan, Ubisoft, Redhill, King, EA, Virtuos, Housemarque, Amanita Design, Seriously, Geewa and also dozens of new games, unforgettable networking parties, two amazing musical performances based on games “Mafia” and “Witcher” (tickets are purchased separately) – all this awaits you in the heart of Europe at Game Access ’19, the largest annual game development conference in Czech Republic. It will take place on May 24-25, 2019, in Brno Exhibition Centre. Save the date in your schedule for not to miss it out! For more information, please visit https://game-access.com/conference/.




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