On November 21-22, DevGAMM will gather over 2000 industry professionals in Minsk. The program includes 70+ sessions from top-notch speakers and 100+ games.
The speakers’ line-up includes outstanding Jay Britton, who voiced Frostpunk, Elite Dangerous, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Adrian Vershinin, scriptwriter of Battlefield, Star Wars: Battlefront, Crysis 3, Cvetan Rusimov, creator of Imperia Online, moreover, the representatives of Larian Studios and Elverils will tell you about porting of Divinity: Original Sin 2 to MAC.
Also, expect the sessions from the representatives of Google, 1C Entertainment, Voodoo, Playgendary, tinyBuild, Wargaming, Sperasoft, Unity, Gameloft, Plarium, MRGV, Pixonic, Saber Interactive, and more.
Make sure to arrange meetings using an automatic matchmaking tool PINE!
Submit a project to DevGAMM Showcase and three-minute meetings with publishers at Speed Game Dating until October 25!
Moreover, take part in Girls & Games Business Lunch, DevGAMM Poker Tournament, Roundtables with experts and other activities.
The full conference program is already online! IGDA members get a 15% discount.
Minsk, Belarus