Join DevGAMM Fall 2021 online conference that will take place on 17-19 November! No flights, quarantines or hotel reservations — everything is right on your laptop. These three days include: the best content, game activities and pitches, online meetings and expo.
Moreover, starting from 20 October, each Wednesday, watch Public Pitch live streams with pitches of game developers on DevGAMM YouTube channel. There will be 4 live streams in total. The finalists will join a live stream during the event on 19 November!
The developers will be able to watch streamers playing their games during the Streaming Showcase format, and get inspired by the review sessions in public by experts in the field of game design, art, or marketing. In addition, the best games in 9 nominations of DevGAMM Awards will be named on 19 November. The prize fund is $40,000 from Xsolla, tinyBuild, GEM Capital and Green Gray.
To top it off, there are free tickets, with which you can freely watch all lectures, games and job offers. And with PRO tickets you will get unlimited access to networking and gaming activities. Get your ticket on the website.