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01 Aug 2020

Crystal Canvas 20

Crystal Canvas 20

Crystal Canvas is a competition open to all artists worldwide, who devote themselves to create concept and promotional art for video games, as well as to the artists who create digital art not directly connected to computer games.

The theme of the Competition is „Water”. The task of the Participants is to create concept and promotional graphics. For more details please download the regulations. Participation in the Competition is free of charge.
Online receipt of applications 01.08.2020 – 15.09.2020

The aim of this competition is to promote art created with the use of digital techniques, as well as to attract attention to the fact that computer games are a form of modern art themselves. Computer games are not only a commercial phenomenon but can also be of artistic and philosophical nature. The name CRYSTAL CANVAS refers to artists turning to other media for expression: from traditional canvas to the liquid one, the crystal display. Digital painting used in design and promotion of computer games, combining the world of art and technology, broadens the discussion of image as a medium for expression and content. The unique phenomenon that firmly developed on account of computer games is concept drawing. For a long time traditional drawing also had not been recognized as an independent form of visual art. Drawings were made to encapsulate the artist’s idea on a sketch in preparation for a painting or a sculpture. Similarly, nowadays, concept art is the introduction and the basis for developing the real games assets; it designs the atmosphere, the characters and the environment of the virtual world. Those elements will affect gamers emotionally or even physically, as they identify themselves with video games heroes. Due to this immersive character of computer games, in addition to creating possibilities, a great responsibility lies on the shoulders of game designers.

For more information or to enter, visit their website.




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