Thursday 22 October, 6:45pm – 9:45pm EDT
More details: https://www.meetup.com/a2-game-designers/events/vvwrzrybcnbdc/
==Guest Lecturer==
Apoorva Bansal of Sucker Punch Productions
Fresh off his release of Playstation smash hit Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch Engineer Apoorva Bansal joins IGDA Ann Arbor to discuss life at an impactful first-party studio, his entry into the industry, and the unique engineering and production processes that brought a poignant artistic vision to a large open world.
==Special Note : Live-Streamed Event!==
Please join us at https://www.twitch.tv/igda_annarbor
==Community Show and Tell ~ SIGN UP : http://bit.ly/igda_showtell ==
Have a project you’re working on? Looking for feedback, teammates, or advice? Don’t be a stranger! Place your name on the relevant spreadsheet (http://bit.ly/igda_showtell) and prepare your 5-minute demo / pitch!