Come by for our next event at the Puny Human offices on Monday, August 28th at 6pm. We will have soft drinks, chips and other snacks available while we run through The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of our Game Development Experience.
Looking forward to seeing all your bright, beautiful, smiling faces once again!
Puny Human’s office is located on Glenwood North, within the Pleasant Valley Promenade Shopping Center. You can set your GPS address to: 6278 Glenwood Avenue #203 Raleigh, North Carolina 27612 United States of America It may show up as the Bed Bath and Beyond. Our office is located on the second floor. To reach the second floor, park in the parking lot in front of the Kure Vapor or Intrex Computers. Proceed up the elevator or stairwell to the second floor, and enter through the glass door next to the “Puny Human” sign. Head down the hallway to the single-door on your right.
Puny Human Studios