
Welcome to the IGDA chapter of Greece! We are here to support the local game development community and foster the industry’s growth.

Our mission is to provide educational and professional development opportunities for game developers, connect professionals and promote the growth of the local game development scene.

Our commitment to the game development industry is unwavering. Games have the power to educate, entertain, and bring people together, and we are dedicated to helping our members create the best games possible.

We hold regular events and workshops to achieve this goal, provide access to industry resources and opportunities, and collaborate with universities, schools, and other organizations.

In addition to providing educational and professional development opportunities, we also work to promote the growth of the local game development scene.

By working together, we can help establish the Greek Chapter as a game development hub and create a thriving, supportive community for game developers of all levels and backgrounds.


Akis Zachariadis
Chris Bikos


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