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03 Dec 2021

Houdini Game Jam 2021

Houdini Game Jam 2021

Houdini Game Jam will take place over the course of one week from 3 – 10 December, 2021. The game jam will begin when the theme is revealed via livestream on SideFX’s Twitch channel at 11am PDT on December 3rd. Game jammers will then have one week to build their games and submit them to the ITCH.IO page before the deadline of 5pm PDT on 10 December.

Game jammers are encouraged to use the hashtag #HoudiniGameJam21 for social media posts about their game development. The eligible game entries will be played by the judges and prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winning teams.

Find out more and register here




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