Game Art

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IGDA Games Art Special Interest Group (Game Art SIG) recognizes that visual art created for video games (be it concept art, character and environment design, animation, and any other visual discipline that contributes to an interactive artwork) brings important aesthetic and functional value to the gaming experience. IGDA Game Art SIG’s aims are threefold:


  • To strengthen our craft and aesthetic scope through analysis of techniques from gaming’s artistic heritage, which includes classical art (particularly painting, sculpture and architecture), theatre, traditional animation and cinematography


  • Explore how fundamental artistic principles must be adapted to meet the functional demands of interactivity and player choice in the context of game design and game user experience 


  • Share tips, tricks and new technology relating to game art production


  • Our main approach to doing this is to facilitate community and information sharing among game art practitioners, game designers, consultants (specialists in traditional creative fields), and academia.Admission into the group is limited to professional game developers, game art practitioners, and those in academia (professors & graduate students) in fields related to game art and/or game development. The Game Art SIG is part of the International Games Developer Association.


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Since we are a growing group the current moderators are also the lead team behind the Game Art SIG, so please have patience when awaiting a response with post approvals and answers. Thank you for your understanding!

Admins: Natasha Skult, Chris Solarski

Editors: Oskari Tamminen, Rebekka Muntola, Martina Hugentobler, Ivan Lougovoy




Natasha Skult, Co-Chair
Chris Solarski, Co-Chair


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