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GreenGameDesign.com (Presented by the IGDA Climate Special Interest Group)

9 Jul 2024

GreenGameDesign.com – An IGDA Climate SIG Companion Website

The IGDA Climate SIG is proud to present GreenGameDesign.com, a new wiki-style companion website full of case studies and design theories building on the work of the Environmental Game Design Playbook. We designed this website to be a more accessible entry point for game designers and students to learn how games can bolster climate action globally.

This new website was designed from the ground-up to be a living, breathing repository of climate communication goals and design techniques to help accomplish these goals. Anyone is welcome to suggest new posts, which will be reviewed by the IGDA Climate SIG leadership team.

We’d love your feedback on this new resource! You can reach us on the official IGDA Climate SIG Discord server: bit.ly/igdaclimatesig

Doing Our Bit Podcast (Presented by the IGDA Climate Special Interest Group)

Doing Our Bit – An IGDA Climate SIG Podcast...

9 Jul 2024
Unlock Audio Resource Bank

Use the tool below to receive free resources that...

9 May 2024
Entry Level Skills Hub

The Entry-Level Skills Hub is a dynamic guide for...

26 Apr 2024