Join Celia Hodent, an expert in cognitive psychology, for her latest Masterclass “Unconscious Bias & Inclusion in the Workplace”.
The former director of UX at Epic Games (Fortnite) and PhD in psychology will take participants through this 4-hour masterclass diving into the limitations and biases of the human mind. This workshop will help participants to recognize those biases, account for them, and redesign the workplace accordingly to foster a more inclusive environment.
Humans do not think rationally. We believe that we have an accurate perception, an accurate memory, or that we can multitask efficiently. We believe that we are in full control of our decisions according to our values, that we have free will, that we can understand others, that we are logical beings. Sadly, this is all a lie. This workshop proposes to explore some of the most common cognitive and social unconscious biases that trick us into making bad decisions in everyday life and prevent us from building a more inclusive environment, even if we understand the importance of diversity. It will also offer tips to avoid falling prey to these biases as much as we can, and improve diversity & inclusion in the hiring and promotion processes.
You can register or find out more about the event here
IGDA members save 10% on tickets
Culver City, California