During the 9th Games for Health Europe conference the fight against Lymphoma (cancer) will begin. It will be the start of a major citizen science project. A global game to find a vaccine for Lymphoma, one of the deadliest types of cancer.
Become a member of the Superheroes team, join scientists with your super design skills. You will get eternal fame. It will bring you new business, with your profile in the list of Superheroes. Via the website, social media, large events and press releases Superheroes will be acknowledged in the months following the conference. A major international Press Conference, in presence of his Highness Bernhard van Oranje, on the Monday will support this.
Large healthcare organisations, major businesses (IBM, DELA, ASR, etc), scientists and researchers from all over the world attend the conference with their presentations and representatives, always looking for design partners in the fast growing market of serious and commercial (marketing) games. Games are at high speed acknowledged as the best tools for a change in behavior to treat life style diseases, for prevention, for the wellbeing of employers and for market differentiation of companies.
The Games for Health Europe conference is the place to meet and generate business!
Registration: https://www.gamesforhealtheurope.org/registration/
Date: October 7 & 8 2019
Location: Temporary Art Centre, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Travel: Eindhoven has an international airport / There is a direct railway connection with Amsterdam Airport ( 1 hour )
Info: www.gfheu.org
In case you are interested to book a stall, mail rene@gfheu.org or call +31 611 366 339
Eindhoven, The Netherlands