Core Values & Code of Ethics

Core Values

These core values are the IGDA’s essential and enduring tenets. They are timeless guiding principles that require no external justification; they have intrinsic value and importance to the IGDA and its members.


We support and encourage the growth of our industry and all game developers within it. We provide resources and opportunities to grow careers and personal development, including soft skills and hard skills. We support our members and our partners so that they may grow sustainably and thrive. We work to push our industry forward to be a better place for all of us.


We cultivate opportunities for our members to connect with their peers to share knowledge and support. We empower ourselves when we share information and opinions, collectivize resources, and advocate on issues that concern us. We value the traditions and history of this community and every individual within it.


We advocate for developers so that their voices are heard. We help represent the interests of developers during important conversations that affect our industry and communities, so that individual developers and their concerns are considered and not overlooked by other organizations and press.


We value inclusion, equity, and diversity to empower us to be stronger, wiser and more relevant to the needs of all game developers. We believe that diversity of all kinds in game development leads to better and more successful products and companies, and happier and more successful game developers.


We strive to understand others’ perspectives, and share our perspectives and stories respectfully with others. Games and play are a major element in cultures around the world, enhancing learning and inspiring creativity and innovation. Games are an expressive medium of art and entertainment, and games and their creators deserve to be celebrated and respected. We should both use games as tools of empathy and treat others with empathy and respect.

Code of Ethics

As creators of interactive media, we, the members of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), recognize the importance of the effect of ideas conveyed through art, and especially the effect of ideas presented in an interactive choice-driven format. As professionals we here establish a Code of Ethics with the following objectives:

  • To promote the growth of our industry and the growth of creative endeavors;
  • To cultivate a welcoming and supportive community of game developers;
  • To advocate for game developers and ensure their voices are heard;
  • To emphasize the role of empathy in understanding diverse perspectives and experiences;
  • To foster inclusivity among game developers, studios, and games.

This Code is divided into four sections: 

  • Principles (IGDA Members): Basic standards that all members of the IGDA commit to uphold;
  • Principles (IGDA Volunteers and Leaders): Expectations of ethical behavior and conduct from volunteers within the IGDA;
  • Workplace Standards: Standards that all members of the IGDA acknowledge as rights for the facilitation of professional delivery and creativity; and 
  • Industry Leadership: Standards for management and leadership of development studios at all levels of the IGDA.

A Code of Ethics is only as strong as the willingness of its members to uphold it. In establishing this Code, we, the members of IGDA, commit to these professional standards and agree to uphold and enforce them for ourselves and our peers.

Section 1: Principles (IGDA Members)

As individual developers and members of IGDA, we commit that we will:

  1. Continually strive to increase the recognition and respect of the profession by:
    1. engaging respectfully with other people;
    2. upholding the integrity of our work;
    3. attributing credit to whom credit is due; and
    4. representing our work and our contributions honestly;
  2. Present ourselves and our skills accurately;
  3. Respect intellectual property rights and adhere to fair and reasonable practices related to ownership and protection of IP;
  4. Seek fair rights to ownership of content that we create, and ensure honest and accurate crediting of works created by us and others;
  5. Honor signed legal agreements in spirit and in letter;
  6. Promote proper, responsible, and legal use of computing technology at our disposal;
  7. Strive to create content appropriate for our stated audience by working strenuously to cooperate with and support local/regional ratings boards (the ESRB, PEGI, CERO, USK, etc.), and never intentionally misrepresenting or hiding content from committees assigned to review content for communication to the public;
  8. Uphold a professional standard of workplace environment for all development;
  9. Work towards publicly establishing and communicating our standards as media professionals.
  10. Strive to share knowledge even while protecting intellectual property, for the growth of our peers as professional craftspeople and our industry;
  11. Strive to promote public knowledge of technology and art, and the strengths of our industry in expanding the boundaries of art and science.
  12. Promote this code of ethics within one’s company, with third-party contractors, and within the entire profession.

Section 2: Principles (IGDA Volunteers and Leaders)

In addition to the commitments for individual members listed above, all IGDA Volunteers and Leaders (e.g., Chapter Leaders, SIG Leaders, Coordinators, IGDA Headquarters) are expected to uphold the following standards of ethics:

  1. Act with grace and respect when engaging with others from a position of authority;
    1. Uphold the spirit of inclusion and collaboration when managing conflict;
    2. Create, encourage, and uphold welcoming spaces that promote psychological safety and well-being;
    3. Power or authority stemming from one’s position within the IGDA should not be used for personal gain; 
  2. Be willing to receive feedback from mentions or reports of violations to the Code of Ethics, and enforce reasonable measures to ensure community members adhere to the Code.
  3. Understand the significance of adhering to ethical standards, especially for volunteers and leaders with social influence and prominence, and advocacy work and activities.

Section 3: Workplace

As professionals committed to excellence in our field, we hold that:

  1. Safety is a basic right for every developer, and your actions should maintain workplace integrity, including physical and mental well-being;
    1. Maintaining awareness of how your actions and words are perceived while adhering to workplace standards set forth by leadership;
    2. Empowering team-driven efforts in maintaining safety at the workplace 
  2. Discrimination or the tolerance of discrimination of any kind, whether on the basis of race, gender, creed, age, sexuality, family status, disability, national origin, and seniority (e.g., industry experience), harms us as professionals, limits our craft, and violates this Code;
  3. For the integrity of ourselves as professionals and as a professional organization, we will be aware of and adhere to all local laws in the region in which we operate, unless there is an overwhelming ethical conflict in so doing;
  4. Fair treatment for developers at all levels, whether full time, part time, temporary, or student employees, is required for our operation at a professional standard.

Section 4: Industry Leadership

As members of IGDA, we may at times assume leadership roles within the industry. As leaders in our professional field, we commit that we will:

  1. Understand that an informed and physically healthy workforce benefits game development on ethical, creative, and business levels comprehensively;
  2. Be forthright in communicating information pertinent to the talent that we lead, and will not knowingly deceive those whom we lead;
  3. Adhere to fair schedules and contracts, and not commit to delivering more than we can reasonably achieve while maintaining standards of workplace quality of life;
  4. Ensure that all employment agreements are fair and legal;
  5. Provide for the health of our employees to the best of our abilities;
  6. Uphold trust between ourselves and those we lead by ensuring confidentiality of legal documentation and private information;
  7. Promote the growth of our industry by supporting the exchange of knowledge and ideas between developers, for our mutual benefit;
  8. Provide for the future of our developers and our industry by providing support for families and future developers, and acknowledge and respect the value of our veteran talent;

Ensure to the best of our ability the mental and physical well-being of those whom we lead, maintaining highest standards of workplace quality of life.

IGDA Inclusivity Policy

The IGDA expects its members, including associated chapters and special interest groups, to adhere to this policy and universally apply it to their communities, events, and interactions:

“We value inclusion and diversity as it makes us stronger, relevant, and more successful. As a membership association, the IGDA represents and advocates on behalf of all individuals in the video game industry. We fully support equality in the workplace, cordial respectful communications, safe social interactions, and an environment that reflects fairness and mutual respect throughout the industry.”

IGDA Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process

The IGDA is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose mission is to support and empower game developers around the world in achieving fulfilling and sustainable careers. To ensure the IGDA and its countless communities are maintained as safe and inclusive spaces, the IGDA has developed an Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process.

This document describes the process by which IGDA will investigate and act on complaints of violations of the Code of Ethics and/or Code of Conduct, with specific attention toward reports of harassment or assault. These complaints may come from Chapters, Special Interest Groups, general members, or non-members; they may reference something that happened at an IGDA event, or actions by an IGDA member, staff, or volunteer at a non-affiliated event or venue. These complaints may also include situations that occur online.

This policy is based on best practices created by organizations around the world, and our primary goal is always to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for all members of our community.

IGDA Ethics Violation & Harassment Investigation Process [2022]